Saturday 8 October 2011

American Bulldogs

American bulldogs are considered as very good pets and companions. They are said to be the descendant of English bull dogs with a body larger than the English bull dogs. American bulldog trace their origins back to English bulldogs. They are generally considered to be very good pets. The strong and sound temperament of these dogs is the best features of them. Compare to the English bulldogs, these heavier bones American bull dogs are more sturdy and stocky. The aggressive nature and superiority feeling of these dogs does not let them be friendly with other dogs. Like French and English bulldogs, American bull dogs are also gifted with wrinkles on their face which make them look cute and attractive. Compared to other bulldogs, these criterions of dogs do not need much treatment and care from your side. This is one feature that makes them even friendlier and easier to handle. However, you should keep in mind that American bulldogs should not come in touch of water until it is required. Hip Dysplasia is a common disease in such criterion of dogs.

American Bulldogs

American Bulldogs

American Bulldogs

American Bulldogs

American Bulldogs

American Bulldogs

American Bulldogs

American Bulldogs

American Bulldogs

American Bulldogs

American Bulldogs